Labor shortfalls and migrations

总裁 zong3cai2 president
总 television on top of a heart = principal main president
裁 memotrick: cai2=cut apart insert cloth. tailor, cut, specifically the cutting of cloth for making clothing, extended as a metaphore decision maker
(clothing on the lower left, sharp cutting spear on the right) CEdict says: cai2
cut out (as a dress) / cut / trim / reduce / diminish / decision / judgment

前途未卜 qian2tu2wei4bu3
It’s a proverb and it means uncertain future.

转向zhaun3xiang4 turn + toward= turns to, looks to.
寻求xun2qiu2 search + seek= search for
线索 thread + search = clues  xian3suo3

劳工 lao2gong1 laborer
lao2 labor like a farmer hard work

外露wai4lu4 = exterior + path = emigration, migration

引发yin3fa1 draw as a bow + release as an arrow = to trigger, initiate, release

担忧dan1you1 to bear + worry = to be worried. lit. to bear concerns.
this dan means to bear like a pole or burden on one’s shoulder 扁担

劳工力lao2gong1li4 labor power

短3缺1duanque short+deficiency = shortage, shortfall