“Who is worthy”? 钥匙 /要是 (tones matter)

 Each Chinese character is like a kind of lock, and once you know the 214 kangxi radicals and  the  RULES法则fa3ze2 for how characters are formed you have  a KEY to open them all.


A Metal钅 silver like the Moon月
IS是 holding a KEY shaped like a Spoon匕 

ONLY IF 要是 you read it right

open all the locks you might!

肙yuan this one means eclipse the heavenly dog’s mouth above consuming the moon below. yuan.
杜鹃鸟 tu juan niao, also known as 布谷鸟 bu gu niao is the cuckoo.
In China the cuckoo calls farmers to their fields in spring to be productive.

依靠 to rely upon yikao

chàng (暢 / 畅)
• free
• unimpeded
• smooth
• at ease
• free from worry
• fluent
韩 han2
    guards out on patrol in that place where the sun has just risen but hasn’t even gotten anywhere near the mid-heaven. KOREA

[qian2 kun1]
Heaven and earth / Yin and Yang / The Universe