
territorial principle
nationality principle 
– active personality principle
– passive personality principle
– ratione personae
– ratione materiae = subject matter jurisdiction
universality principle
protective principle

Jurisdiction to adjudicate = personal jurisdiction
Jurisdiction to prescribe
Jurisdiction to enforce
Personal jurisdiction = these parties.
-in personam
-in rem
-quasi in rem = fingierte in rem Zustaendigkeit
Subject matter jurisdiction = this court = sachliche Zustaendigkeit
Gerichtshoheit ueber eine Sache = in rem jurisdiction
Gerichtshoheit ueber eine Person = in personam jurisdiction = personal jurisdiction
Appellate jurisdiction = Zustaendigkeit als Revisionsgericht
Original jurisdiction = Zustaendigkeit in erster Instanz
Diversity jurisdiction
Extraterritorial jurisdiction – Extraterritoriale
Universal jurisdiction – Universelle

 JURISDICTION TO ADJUDICATE – Entscheidungsbefugnis
LinkThe power of a court to determine an issue irrespective of what nation’s law it applies.
Die Macht eines Gerichts eine Entscheidung zu treffen, egal ob es sein eigenes oder fremdes Recht anwendet.

JURISDICTION TO PRESCRIBE – Rechtsetzungsbefugnis
The power of a court to determine the substantive law regarding a legal question.
Die Macht eines Gerichts das substantive Recht zu aufklaeren.

JURISDICTION TO ENFORCE – Durchsetzungsbefugnis
The power of the executive to enforce the decisions of a state’s courts. Note that jurisdiction to enforce is closely linked to the territory of the state so that German police may generally not enforce German law on U.S. land and vice verse. See also: Extradition

GENERAL JURISDICTION – allgemeine Zustaendigkeit

Complete jurisdiction of a court over both the parties and the subject matter in dispute.

SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION – sachliche Zustaendigkeit
Jurisdiction of a court over a legal question particular to that court.
Gerichtsbarkeit eines Gerichts im bezug mit einer Frage, welche normaleweise wird von diesem Gericht beantwortet.


Choice of venue

Choice of law

void against public policy

jurisdiction in personam

jurisdiction in rem

jurisdiction in quasi in rem

jurisdiction to adjudicate

jurisdiction to proscribe

jurisdiction to enforce

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