“Stable quantity, increasing quality”; Proper pronunciation.

巩固gong3 gu4 consolidate
季度ji4du4 quarter of the year
货物huowu goods
外贸exports outside+foreign trade
贸易maoyi lit. goods exchange i.e. trade

总值zong3zhi2 summarized, come togther in total as zusammengestellt
量稳liang2 wen3 quantity + stable, balanced
质升zhi4 sheng1 (quality of) products rising

Basically the CCP wants at least no loss in trade outputs or even imports but a rising quality of goods if no increase in sales is possible. I don’t regard the CCP as “on the ropes” unlike most other anglophone analysts. I do expect the CCP will be able to maintain trade terms, at least, and if only that to also be able to increase the quality of Chinese production.

Just like the anglos underestimated the capacity of patriarchal religious tribal and clan societies to resist its view of modernization so also will the CCP prove to be a much tougher target than they imagine.

制订公约 zhi4 ding4 gong1 yue1 to formulate a convention i.e. to draft an international treaty open for universal accession. lit.: produce agree public prescription

围绕 wei2rao4 about
危害 wei1hai4 to harm
时机上不成熟 shi2 ji1 shang3 bu4 cheng2 shu2 the time is not yet ripe
常驻chang2zhu4 permanent
副代表fu4dai4biao3 vice, deputy + representative
联合国 lian2 he2 guo2 united nations

危害人类罪 wei2hai4 ren2lei4 zui4 lit. criminal injurer of the human race i.e. crime against humanity


z c s are pronounced from the front of the mouth, the tip of the tongue goes behind the front teeth; it doesn’t seem to matter much if the top teeth or bottom teeth are used so long as the tip of the tongue is touching the backs of the front teeth. 舌尖=tip of the tongue

Thou Z C S exist in German and Russian Z C do not exist as initial sounds in English and are difficult for anglophones, though they are easy for Germans and Russians.

硬颚 the top of the mouth, which is hard also called “the hard palate”
舌面 surface of the tongue, blade of the tongue

j q x are best produced smiling. The tip of the tongue is best placed at the back of the front lower teeth. The surface of the tongue should be flat and if touching the roof of the mouth should only touch at the hard palate, not at the alveolar ridge.

Q and X do NOT exist in English and are best transliterated into English as tkch and hsh: since they don’t exist it’s impossible to accurately represent them though these are the closest spellings to those sounds.

You can correctly produce J Q X from the back of the mouth and without smiling  but ought not to. If Chinese isn’t your native language you are likely getting tones wrong and mispronouncing words. If you speak as clearly as possible you may be understood, but slurred speech along with bad tones and mispronunciation will make your Chinese incomprehensible.