多话沉默duō huà chénmò talkative-silence
诚实-狡猾  chéngshí-jiǎohuá honest-cunning
活泼-呆板  huópō-dāibǎn lively-dull
赶紧-拖延  Gǎnjǐn-tuōyán Hurry up-procrastinate
浑浊hun2zhuo muddy+turbid=turbid - 透明 tuo ming transparent
永远 短暂duan3zan2 short duration lit. short+(metaphor of chopped head+time)
怀疑 相信Huáiyí xiāngxìn doubt-believe
亲密 疏远shu1yuan3 to drift apart grow apart

购物指南 shopping directory
一厢情愿 one’s own wishful thinking
心有灵犀  heart has the spirit of a rhino’s horn
口说无凭 kou shuo wu ping Words alone are no proof.; An oral [verbal] promise is rather dubious [not enough].; Oral expressions [words] cannot be taken as evidence.; Verbal statements are not guarantee.; Word of mouth cannot be trusted.; Words don’t carry conviction.

呆头鹅 dai tou e = idiot

岁月如梭 sui yue ru suo1 time flies
横种植撞 heng zhong zhi zhuang4 to strike
恍然大悟 huang3ran2da4wu4  suddenly realize, see the light

自以为是 believe oneself infallibale, to be opinionated

半途而废 ban tu er fei = halfway abandoned i.e. to give up half-way
半斤八两well matched

三心两意 to be of two minds; vexed perplexed

三五成群 in groups of three and five i.e. cluster of groups which taken together are in fact a crowd but separated into small groups of three two five

群众大会qún zhònɡ dà huì  mass meeting

大扫除 da sao chu house-cleaning

除暴安良 chubaoanliang to rid society of evil

颓废tuifei dispirited

水落石出Shuǐluòshíchū the truth will out, lit. when the water recedes the rocks appear i.e. truth comes to light in the end

除了 chule
外面 waimian exterior, outside
适合 shihe suitable
舍不得 shebude begrudge

草民 cao3min2 grass roots i.e. the ordinary people

预防Yùfáng In advance+Defend = prevent

联合国Liánhéguó  United Nations
常务chángwù everyday+(business)affairs=permanent, standing
副秘书长fù mìshū zhǎng vice minister
多方位duō fāngwèi multi-faceted
支持Zhīchí support
低碳dī tàn low carbon
发展fāzhǎn development

绿色金融lǜsè jīnróng green finance
金融jīnróng finance lit. gold melting i.e. liquidity of assets.
框架  Kuàngjià frame+shelf=framework
优化 you1hua4 excellent+transform=optimization

曲qu this one meens reed pipe
典dian this one means classics, library, bookshelf.
舞wu this is a dance it is a person brandishing a sword at night 跳舞 lit to jump and dance.
吕lv this one means musical pipe – originally made of bone
串chuan this means a string of things chained together as illustrated.
管guan this one means pipe as in a pipe for conveying water. it may also indicate aquaduct i.e. a not necessarily closed tube, but one in which all events something, usu. liquid is conveyed from one place to another.

型xing2 model
基ji1 base
堡bao3 fort

理由Lǐyóu reason cause
诚实 chéngshí

看他老实忠厚的样子,想不到 竟然 是个骗子

他们的发情早就已经结束了 竖shu4  

爸爸变胖了,医生建议 他多做运动

天气十分炎热, 很多人都吃不消 unable to endure

熟能生巧, 多话点时间努力练习就可以了

她跟你一点关系都没有, 他没有权利叫你这么做


他已经 大难临头了, 你怎么可以 袖 手 旁 观 呢 

他说一套,做一套, 十 足 口是 心 非