Tones Matter, Ya.

Tones Matter, Ya.

 虽然鸭子很雅的,但是它们没有牙齿.所以它们比人类亚的. Suīrán yāzi hěn yǎ de, dànshì tāmen méiyǒu yáchǐ. Suǒyǐ tāmen bǐ rénlèi yà de.   Google and Baidu…


爱民如子 to love the nation as one’s children公私分明 to carefully distinguish the public from private永远做一个好皇帝 to ever act as a…
截止日期 jie2zhi3ri4qi1 bird ‘splits’ stops day time = deadline. Departure date for the bird to take off = deadline.

截止日期 jie2zhi3ri4qi1 bird ‘splits’ stops day time = deadline. Departure date for the bird to take off = deadline.

 欣赏 xin1shang3 appreciate 感激 gan3ji1 to feel grateful for同情 tong2qing2 empathy 共情[+能力] gong4qing2[+negn2li4] empathy 心理咨询师 xin1li3zi1xun2shi1 psychologist同理心 tong2li3xin1 empathy感同身受 gan3tong2shen1shou4 physical empathy 理解 li3jie3 understand生产力 shengchanli productivity [of an industry, manufacturing]有效率 you3xiao4lv4 efficient效率很高 xia4lv4 hen3gao1…

各 格 客 路 骆 烙 络 落 酪Gè gé kè lù luò luò lào luò luò làoeach Grid guest…


虽然我们遇到了很多困难,但[是我们]毕竟完成了任务 suiran women yudao hen duo de kunnan, danshi women bijing wanchengle renwu although we encountered many difficulties we finally…


规定gui1ding4 provision stipulation 规则gui1ze2 regulation, rule 道歉dao4qian4 say sorry 抱歉bao4qian4 feel sorry 规划gui1hua4 plan (detailed long term) 计划ji4hua4 plan (short…


 All three of these cheng yu mean to get two for one, they have slight stylistic differences, which are reflected…

通胀tong1zhang4 experienced+long = LONG TERM  膨胀peng2zhang4 expanding, bloating, inflating.  飙升biao1sheng1 soaring flying floating+rising  主要zhu3yao4 principal, main  经济jing1ji4 economy  体带ti3dai4 body…


伙伴关系 huoban guanxi partnership lit. team mate relationship(=closed+connected) 野心 ye3xin1 lit. wild heart; ambition. (looming in and out in a field =…


除非 chu2fei1 = 只有 zhi3you3 = ONLY IF, unless, except 除了 chu2le besides apart from except 唯一 wei2 alone, only, yes -ism 直 zhi2 upright direct…

确实queshi indeed (lit. certain+fact) 距今jujin from now (lit. distance+now) 年长nianzhang3 eldest 流传liuchuan lit. flowing+transmit i.e. handed down, transferred to younger generations 百里背米bai3li3be4imi3…


白费了 lit. white fee ‘d = wasted effort. memory trick? BY FAILURE (=bai fei le) 怕浪费了 pa lang fei le lit.…


干脆 gancui straight forward blunt direct 唠叨 laodao prattle chatter nag 劳动力 laodongli labor power 紧缩 jinsuo tighten 成本 chengben costs (lit. achiev+fundamental) 冲击 chongji (rush,flush)+(press)=to…


List of Antonyms 反义字 fanyizi 低劣 - 高明 Inferior superior Dīliè – gāomíng 冷静 - 热闹 ānjìng- renao Calm lively 强壮 - 虚弱 shílì – xūruò Strong…

君子之交淡如水, 小人之交甘若醴 Jūnzǐ zhī jiāo dàn rúshuǐ, xiǎo rén zhī jiāo gān ruò lǐ To talk with the noble is…
The Bar Exam Approaches!

The Bar Exam Approaches!

Free Law Search Engines Free Legal Commentary (including a couple of free booklets about the bar exam!) You…

Piao – Varieties of floating 漂    票 嫖 瞟 瓢 剽 飘 骠      螵 float(water) ticket     whoring   glance     ladle        rob        float(air) white-horse…
Translation Exercise

Translation Exercise

​这是毛泽东的一些要做的事情: 必须发展中国特色社会主义。 必须提倡中国化宗教。 提高道德水平,公民意识和家庭美德。 改善礼节,个人诚信,职业道德。 确保干净的互联网和网络空间。 所有的待办事项都伴随着少量诗歌。 “具有中国特色的社会主义……来自五千年的中国文化……一种健全,以人为本并提高道德标准的文化……。 “还必须鼓励不在党内的知识分子帮助建立中国特色的社会主义。

允 充 弃 允yun3 permit it’s a picture of mom nursing a baby. she PERMITS it. 充chong1 fulfill the child…


The first people to insult the police are also generally the first people to call the police for help. They…